
The ElectroSabre is probably the closest thing to a Lightsabre that exists to this day. An ElectroSabre consists of an collapsible metal baton that has enough high voltage (and also quite a bit of current - around 30ma) to create a coronal glow around the metal. This baton is then placed inside a sabre hilt, therefore facilitating the addition of electronics circuitry and an activation switch. By using HV electricity it gives the impression that there is a blade of pure energy (plasma) coming out of the handle. This, of course is one of the major criteria that would be needed if a real lightsabre were to be created. Another criteria is that a Lightsabre should be able to cut through almost anything. This is easily achieved by using High Voltage electrical plasma. In the welding industry plasma cutting torches easily reach temperatures of 1500-3000+ degrees and cut through just about any type of metal fairly easily.

Although, the ElectroSabre is considered a potentially lethal weapon, research is now being done to achieve non-lethal status, while preserving the coronal glow effect that gives the impression of being an energy blade. However if someone did not wish to have the coronal glow, but have a non-lethal weapon, a special HV power supply could be used to generate voltage for such a weapon.

Examples of Glow Discharge Plasma:
